Learn how to tell stories in your content creation that connect with your dream audience using the DNA of Content Creation for creatives!

The DNA of Content Creation for Creatives

Content Creation

Learn how to build your dream instagram aesthetic and connect with your dream audience while creating genuine connections online!

How to build your Instagram Aesthetic!

Content Creation

Cocktail photography and styling tips, Negroni, Margarita, Paloma, Spritz, Hopeful Outsiders

Here’s my favorite tips for Cocktail photography and styling just for you! From styling, props and angles I got you covered!

Cocktail Photography & Styling tips

Content Creation

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I'm Karina Your Lifestyle Photography BFF!

I’m a content creator, designer and photographer based in Costa Rica & Miami. I’m an iced latte lover, Sagittarius soul, travel enthusiast that loves to create genuine and real lifestyle content for brands.

Consider me as your Content Creation BFF! I love working for creative lifestyle brands & boutique hotels that want to showcase what they stand for. Content creation it’s all about showcasing the real YOU behind your brand! Making you stand out and truly connect with your dream audience. 

hey you!

Meet Karina